Go Green!
Bring your refillable water bottles and we’ll provide the free water! In an effort to reduce the environmental impact of the festival, we prohibit the sale of water in disposable containers. (We also have awesome Red Wing Roots stainless steel pint cups for sale in our Beer Garden and at our Merch Shack.) Instead, we’ve teamed up with May Supply to provide fresh water dispensing stations.
In 2018 we used approximately 2100 gallons of water in our dispensing stations, which equates to around 15,905 – 16.9 oz water bottles (or 13,440 – 20 oz water bottles). That’s a wonderful testament to how many single use plastic bottles we kept out of the local landfill and recycling centers.
We also require our food vendors to use disposable food service items that are made from bio-based, renewable materials; that are made with recycled content; or that are 100% compostable.
Receptacles are provided to keep trash and recyclables separated. Please help us out and use them accordingly. Last year our Green Team diverted 2900 lbs of waste from the landfill! That breaks down to 800 lbs cardboard, 420 lbs aluminum, 220 lbs plastic, 160 lbs paper, 50 lbs steel, 500 lbs glass and 750 lbs of compost! We know it’s just a start and each year we’ll be adding more in our effort to make this festival as environmentally responsible as possible.