
Z Lot Camping


For all Z Lot Tickets: 6 people and 1 vehicle max per site. Good for 4 nights (Thurs 9am – Mon 10am). Z Lot is situated between the Music Meadow and Hill Stage. Just drive into the field and park your RV or camper. Your plot will be assigned when you arrive at the festival. No hook ups for electricity or water and no fires. Quiet, clean generators are allowed to run 24/7.  Once the festival begins on Friday, there will be limited access to drive into Z Lot. Basically, once you’re there, plan to stay! ONE STEERING WHEEL PER SITE. (If you drive an RV, then no other vehicles allowed. If you tow a camper, your truck is your vehicle.) 3-day wristbands required for all camping guests! NO PETS.

Z Lot Campsite Options
Z-lot Camping area is divided into THREE tickets based on the size of camper or your desire to tent.

Option 1:  Z Lot SMALL Dry-RV/Tent 20’x20′
Your RV/Camper must be 20’ or smaller. If you are towing a camper, you’ll need to unhook and park beside it, basically it all needs to fit in your 20’x20’ spot. If you are tenting, you have a 20’x20′ area for your camping sprawl, which includes your vehicle.

Option 2: Z Lot LARGE Dry-RV 20’x35′
Your RV/Camper must be 35’ or smaller. If you are towing a camper and your truck/camper combo is longer than 35’, you’ll need to unhook and park beside it, basically it all needs to fit in your 20’x35’ spot.

Option 3: Z Lot JUMBO Dry-RV 20’x50′
Your RV/Camper must be 50’ or smaller. If you are towing a camper and your truck/camper combo is longer than 50’, you’ll need to unhook and park beside it, basically it all needs to fit in your 20’x50’ spot.

FAQs for Z Lot Dry-RV camping

1. What if we have two vehicles? You can only have one steering wheel per camping ticket at Z Lot. If you have a second vehicle, it will need to be parked in GA parking and you will need to either walk in with your gear (10-15 minute walk) or wait in line to catch a golf cart shuttle at Front Gate (shuttle lines can be long). Your only option to have a second vehicle at Z Lot is to purchase a second camping ticket. Again, one steering wheel per camping ticket.

2. Can I save spots for other friends or family who are in Z Lot but arriving at different times? Maybe. First of all, you must have the same size Z Lot site (small or large). Secondly, the only guarantee for your group to be camped beside each other is to arrive at the same time. If you are arriving at different times, our Z Lot staff may work to accommodate your request, but there’s no guarantee.

3. Can I tent camp in Z Lot? Yes, but please be warned there will be a lot of RVs and generators in this camping area that may be used 24/7. We recommend that tent campers set up in Chimney Ridge or No Frills.

4. Can I use the dump station or fresh water fill up for my RV at Natural Chimneys? No. Natural Chimneys Park staff have asked us to remind all our Z Lot campers that the dump station and water fill up service at Natural Chimney’s Park is off limits. 

5. What are my options for a dump station? Tidy Services will be offering pump out services at Z Lot during the festival. Look for their pump truck driving around the loop roads and please bring some cash as credit card processing will not work in Z Lot.

6. Do you have designated ADA camping options?  Yes. There is a designated ADA area in Z Lot. Please let campground staff know when you arrive. 

7. Are there any designated family or quiet camping areas in Z Lot? No, not in Zlot. However, there are quiet camping options in Chimney Ridge car-camping if this interests you.  

8. How far is Z lot from the Music Meadow? Depending on where you’re set up, it is a 3-5 minute walk to the Music Meadow. Z lot is situated between the Music Meadow and Hill Stage. Take a look at the festival map.