Must Know Festival Info

You’re packed up. You know which bands you want to park yourself in front of each day. You have your Kleen Kanteen steel pint ready for water, or maybe Blue Mountain brews. Here is some pertinent information to make sure your the rest of your flight to Red Wing...
Kid Zone with Larkin Arts

Kid Zone with Larkin Arts

Make sure to visit the KID ZONE during the festival. We have a a tent/stage for special kids’ performances featuring The Steel Wheels, The Judy Chops, The McKenzies and more. The McKenzies will also offer a Making Music Together workshop and each day they’ll lead a...

Tickets available at the gate

Don’t have your Red Wing Roots tickets yet? Get them at the gate (or go ahead and get them now). All ticket types — 3-day, single-day, kids and teens — will be available to purchase each day of the festival. Single-day tickets will be available...

Join our Spotify station!

  Click here to LISTEN NOW Get ready for Red Wing early by listening to all of the great musicians lined up for July. Hit shuffle, sit back, enjoy. New favorite? Share on Facebook Friends don’t let friends miss out on...