You’re packed up. You know which bands you want to park yourself in front of each day. You have your Kleen Kanteen steel pint ready for water, or maybe Blue Mountain brews. Here is some pertinent information to make sure your the rest of your flight to Red Wing has a nice soft landing:

Directions Alertdon’t trust Google Maps!
The address for Natural Chimneys is 94 Natural Chimneys Lane Mt Solon, VA 22843. The “pin” in Google Maps to “Natural Chimneys Park” is the WRONG location. Follow directions to the address above and you’ll find it! (We’ll have signs up, as well.) The GPS coordinates are: 38.355792, -79.086199

Festival Map – click the link to see our handy map!
We’ll have extra copies at the gate for your convenience.

Festival Guidelines 
DO bring your reusable water bottle! (Don’t bring your dog.) Click the link above for other helpful tips.

And here are a few bonus items to plan for to make your music weekend even better!